Sunday, August 5, 2012

Live your life with intention. If you have a clear purpose at every moment, you are living with intention and you are taking in your hands the reins of your life. Otherwise, everything happens to you by chance. Do you prefer to consider the events of your life as coincidences or causalties? If they are coincidences, you are constantly exposed to external forces that are out of your control. Considering them causalities means that you have the control and you can change them, only by taking decisions.

We are all creative; we are constantly creating our reality with our thoughts. Since we have this tremendous power, lets use it towards our own well-being. During your daily journal, when you are going to start a new task, just think about what your intention is at that moment; define your intention with the phrase: "I, (your name), have the intention to: ...........................". Complete this phrase with positive affirmations that will lead you to the completion of a successful task and visualize the positive result. With many successful tasks, you will have completed a successful day and with many successful days, you will have a successful life. Examples of these phrases would be:
"I, John, have the intention to reach my work on time, feeling happy and positive"
"I, John, have the intention to concentrate myself and finish this report by 10 am"
"I, John, have the intention to have a deep, restorative and restful sleep and to wake up full of energy".

You have the power to change all that you don't like in your life. Just decide it, visualize it, affirm it, be positive and go for it. If you have any negative thought that stops you from being who you want to be, just breath, observe it and try to find a thought that makes you feel a little bit better. Then try to find another one that makes you feel a little bit better than the previous one. And so on, like going up a stairway, until you get to a thought that makes you feel good. Do it gradually because your ego will try to fight with you and win; the ego always wants to have the control; do not try to change a negative thought with the opposite one; go step by step, one step at a time. Find a thought that makes you feel just a little bit better and then one more that makes you feel a little bit better.

These techniques are proposed in the following books of Esther and Jerry Hicks that I strongly recommend.
  • Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
  • The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
  • The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing

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